Professional summary

I am environmental professional with a Geoscience background. Since 2014, I have been active in the water and environmental sector, gaining experience both in industry and during my Master’s training. Over the past three years, I have developed a strong passion for GIS, Data Science, and programming, focusing on modelling, and creating tools to enhance efficiency in environmental and Geoscience work. I did my master’s thesis on environmental radon modelling using machine learning techniques, thereby acquiring knowledge of environmental modelling techniques. I am always eager to learn new tools and skills, which equipp me with a diverse skillset of varying knowledge level.

I am currently employed as a “Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter” by Technische Universität Darmstadt, working at HLNUG. My tasks include search for and analyse reports that are suitable for Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS) in Hessen. I am also developing a workflow to combine 3D geological models and groundwater - including exploring methods to estimate porosity and permeability. In addition, I also develop tools with python when required.

Domain knowledge and expertise

Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering: Professionally involved in the water sector since 2017 as a Supervision Consultant, I developed technical and administrative skills through surveys, design, and supervision of water points such as borewells, mini dams, rainwater harvesting schemes, and liaising with stakeholders. During my Master’s training, I acquired theoretical knowledge in water management, and practical works in water chemistry, sampling and modeling. I also have knowledge about spatial modelling of environmental parameters using geostatistics or machine learning approaches.

Tools : Hydrus, SWMM, MODFLOW-Model Muse, PHREEQC, and SWAT

Geoscience and GIS: A background in Geoscience, equpped me with an understanding of geological and hydrogeological systems. Therefore, I am capable of handling geological and hydrogeological data, and use appropriate tools either for geostatistical analysis or modelling.

Tools :GOCAD/SKUA and GeoDin (beginner), Google Earth Engiene, ArcGIS Products (ArcGISPro, ArcGIS Online, Survey123, Dashboards, and StoryMaps)

Programming and Data Science : Experienced in Python programming and Data Science, having led, or collaborated projects in water, environmental, and geoscience tasks. I have varying experience in developing and deploying machine learning and deep learning models for prediction, forecasting, and image detection tasks, either for Industry or for research. I am also skilled in creating PDF automation scripts, data cleaning scripts, and custom Streamlit apps.

Tools : SciKit-Learn, Tensoflow/Keras, GeoServer and Leaflet, PostgreSQL/PostGIS

Current projects I am currently working on/interested in the projects below.

Poro-Perm : Methods of estimating porositty and permeability spatially. Exploring both analytical and data-driven methods. These petrophysical properties are important for water/oil exploration, underground gas storage, as well as radon emanation.

HydroChemPy : A python package for calculating and processing hydrochemical data. Standalone app or integration as a toolbox into ArcGisPro

Aquadeep AI : ML-physics model combining 3D subsurface structures, ML and physics conbstraints for groundwater simulation. This is a long-term project, and I’m trying to put ideas together. Inputs are highly welcomed.

BlockCVPy : A package to perform spatial cross validation in python

Personal Interests: Outside of my professional work, I code for fun, watch Football and go to the gym.

For more details, feel free to look at documentation of my diverse skills in my portfolio and my curriculum vitae.


I am open to opportunities for collaborations. Feel free to reach out to me via my contacts at the side bar of this page.

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